

New Art Adventure

I decided to venture into digital art this year. Blessed with a very nice tablet and super-duper stylus pen for my birthday, I downloaded “IBIS Paint” and started playing with the app. It took some time to figure out how to use various tools, and I still haven’t plumbed the depths of all the possibilities, but I am getting the hang of things and having a lot of fun playing around. I approach this like a child, just using imagination and whimsy, trying all the different bells and whistles. Below are some of the images I’ve made in the past few months.



The first inspiration for this piece came to me last spring, but months went by without any ideas for how to finish it. In the past few weeks, a second wave of inspiration arose and I was able to complete the composition to my satisfaction. I hope you enjoy the melodic “ride.”


The Treasure

We each are given treasure
But we must undertake the hunt
There is no map to guide the way

Scattered to the four winds
I dug the deepest holes
Fell into many pitfalls
Followed dead-end roads
Wandered in the desert for years

But one day, the miracle arrived
A priceless gift was found
This treasure awaits us all
In the Labyrinth of Life
The moment we stumble upon the secret path

Our soul, more precious than gold,
Shining in all her glory
Pure, radiant, innocent, and free

Nowhere to Go

You will not find it
Out There
Look all you want
Strive if you must
Out There
Will quench your thirst

Don’t go off somewhere else
Seeking what only lies within
Cling to your sole lifeline
Plunge the depths of you
In There
Will feed your hunger

Don’t go looking somewhere else
You are the only safe place to be

The Moon

       I peer through the window
       Infinite glittering sparkles
       Pierce the dark night

       The full moon radiates
       Her gaze upon my face
       Illuminating a faded memory 

        We have met before

        Soft, gentle light beams
        Shoot arrows through my heart
        A vital message she wants to impart

        I see you

        Her cheeky wink and gleeful grin
        Urge me to forget the eons that have passed
        To remember instead

        Together, at last

The Deep

Prompted by a writing exercise this morning using 3 key words: underneath, current, and burning. The prompt was to begin: "I Speak for...."


I speak for
What dwells underneath
Surface waves of chatter

Yearning, burning
To dive below the noise
And swim the current of stillness

To merge with the waters
of mercy and love
Forever coursing through our veins

I speak for
Those whose words are lost
Voices silenced long ago

I speak, I shriek
Guide us back
To the womb of The Deep

A Stone Doorway

Cracks in the concrete
Refuse to be hidden from the Light
What is tamped down
Cannot forever be suppressed

Open, open, open to the Light
And blossom
As the beautiful flower you are

Cracks in the pavement
Are a doorway to beauty
And Light will find you always,
Wherever you are

Hard slabs of pavement
Oppress the Earth
But She will not be silenced
She will break through the darkness
Into the Light
Where She rightfully belongs

Arms reach out
In thanks
Glorifying Her Maker
She seeks only the Sun
And knows she is One
With all that is

Even the mightiest stones
Striving to quell her radiance
Will not prevail against the Light

Tight Rope

Dangling mid-air
Tenaciously clinging to a fraying lifeline
Helplessly watching
Each strand slowly give way

It won’t be long now

The rope is going to snap
I know this
Yet, I clutch all the tighter
Denying the inevitable

Nightmares engulf me
Fear strangles my breath
It’s coming, that terrifying plummet
Into a fathomless abyss.

It’s happening….

Startled, I land softly
On firm ground rising to greet me
Mere inches from my swinging feet
Perplexed, I wonder

Why was I so afraid?