
Surfing 2020

Surfing 2020

Hello!  After working on this piece for several months (on and off), it is now ready to share with you.  I finally landed on the title “Surfing 2020” after mulling over a number of ideas.  This title best reflects my intent for the work.  The various motifs reflect a variety of somewhat disparate experiences, yet they are all connected.  Some of the waves are gentle and slow, some are swift and thundering, and sometimes they crash into each other; much like the unpredictable nature of the ocean.  This feels like an appropriate theme for these times, as we ride the waves however they come, and strive to stay upright and stable amidst the noise, the chaos, the uncertainty, and the conflict that is rampant in our country and around the world.

The construction of this piece is unusual, and may not resonate for you.  But it is what came to me, and as always, I honor what comes without trying to force it into something it’s not.

I would love any feedback – positive or negative.

Happy Summer!

5 thoughts on “Surfing 2020”

  1. Jill, You continue to amaze with your powerful and original “voice.”
    This piece, like your others, is reflective of your intensity and intelligence. It is tapped into the present currents, and is both disturbing and unexpected, but also with moments of beauty, light and hope. Thanks for sharing. XO


  2. Jill I love this piece and it does remind me of the time we are living through. Sometimes riding the wave, sometimes having it crash into you, sometimes missing it By choice or circumstance but the tides are inexorable and truly control our choices. Thank you so much. Sara Savitz


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